Word of the Day for Wednesday, September 29, 2010Today's word was submitted by Kayland H. Submit yours by going Back to School with Dictionary.com! confiscable \kuhn-FIS-kuh-buhl\, adjective: Liable to be taken by an authorized party. He knew of about a thousand bales of cotton, some of it private property, some of it confiscable, stored at various points on the banks of the Alabama. Only the treaties of England, in 1661, with Sweden, and in 1670 with Denmark, are founded on the ancient rule which regarded merely the ownership of the cargo, which declare the goods of a neutral merchant free in an enemy's vessel, and those of an enemy confiscable in a neutral bottom. Confiscable is a legal term whose source is the Latin confiscare, from com- "together" and fiscus, "public treasury," literally "money basket." | |
Words of the Day? How about words of timeless wisdom?Introducing our Quotes channel! "Life itself is a quotation." - Jorge Luis Borges | |
The TV show "Glee" is sassy, but what does the word "glee" have to do with squinting and schadenfreude?Cute teenagers, song and dance routines, even Britney Spears - this is "Glee's" moment in the sun. We want to take this same moment to illuminate some of the unusual senses of "glee" (like what it has to do with schadenfreude.) Let's begin with "Glee Club." These infamously chipper singing groups are called "glee" because the... |