Monday, October 29, 2018

French Word-A-Day: My story: Political elections + friendship: The stakes are high (L'enjeu est de taille)


My story: Political elections + friendship: The stakes are high (L'enjeu est de taille)

Smokey lettuces
Random photo of Smokey and some lettuce as I don't have a politically-themed image for you!

On November 6, 250 million Americans are called to the polls. A portion of the senators, the totality of the representatives, a group of governors and local elected representatives will be renewed: the stakes are high. (translated from the French, below)

Today's phrase: être appelé aux urnes

     = to be called to vote, called to the polls

Click here to listen to the following sentence:
Le 6 novembre, 250 millions d'Américains sont appelés aux urnes. Une partie des sénateurs, la totalité des représentants, une palanquée de gouverneurs et d'élus locaux seront renouvelés : l'enjeu est de taille. --Grazia

A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFE by Kristi Espinasse

The day before yesterday, while Jean-Marc and the neighbor were felling a few fire-hazardous pines near our new house, I began to think about some longtime friends...