emprise \em-PRYZE\ noun
> : an adventurous, daring, or chivalric enterprise
> Examples:
> The poet Rupert Brooke, in an elegy to the passing of youth, lamented the loss of "high emprise and ventures dear."
> "But perhaps he was the only one courageous enough to voice an opinion that others might have shared, but were afraid to say, that this whole quixotic emprise had been a bad idea, that they had been fools to attempt an escape." -- From John D. Lukacs' 2010 book Escape From Davao
> Did you know?
> Someone who engages in emprises undertakes much, so it's no surprise that "emprise" descends from the Anglo-French word "emprendre," meaning "to undertake." It's also no surprise that "emprise" became established in English during the 13th century, a time when brave knights engaged in many a chivalrous undertaking. Fourteenth-century author Geoffrey Chaucer used "emprise" to describe one such knight in "The Franklin's Tale" (one of the stories in The Canterbury Tales): "Ther was a knyght that loved and dide his payne / To serve a lady in his beste wise; / And many labour, many a greet emprise, / He for his lady wroghte er she were wonne."
> Name That Synonym: What synonym of "emprise" has one syllable, begins with "g," and shares its pronunciation with a word meaning "joke"? The answer is ... http://bit.ly/ewqn0g