risible \RIZ-uh-buhl\, adjective: 1. Capable of laughing; disposed to laugh. Before long, I began to read aloud with my father, chanting the strange and wondrous rivers -- Shenandoah, Rappahannock, Chickahominy -- and wrapping my tongue around the risible names of rebel generals: Braxton Bragg, Jubal Early, John Sappington Marmaduke, William "Extra Billy" Smith, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard. All twelve selected are thoughtful, small and funny in both senses of the word: odd and risible. But Lionel . . . is not a risible character, even though he is often called "freakshow" and "crazyman." Risible comes from Late Latin risibilis, from the past participle of Latin ridere, "to laugh, to laugh at." The noun form is risibility. | |||||